Paulist Productions
The conversation between the sacred and the secular


Vegas Summit to Address Polarization


The Paulist Fathers are sponsoring a conference in Las Vegas to address Political Polarization in the Catholic Church today.  This conference is being put together in order to respond to a direct concern gathered from our larger Paulist community during our Pre-Assembly and General Assembly gatherings in 2022.   The conference will reflect on the issues of polarization in the Catholic Church today through a series of talks and exercises in an effort to develop wider partnerships to address the issue going into the future.

The conference will be held at the Flamingo Hotel from Friday, April 19 at noon to Sunday, April 21 at noon. Lodging at the hotel during the nights of the conference would be provided as well as some meals. Travel expenses would not be covered.

We have a limited number of spaces available for this conference and we wanted to gauge interest in attendance and likely availability.   This form is not a registration form but simply an opportunity for us on the planning committee to gather a sense of interest. Invitations will be delivered based on responses and availablity of spaces within a few weeks.


Click here for overview of the weekend.

Form to submit your interest

NOTE: This is not a registration.